Installation Instructions
revIgniter is installed in four steps:
- Unzip the package.
- Upload the revIgniter folders and files to your server. Normally the file will be at your root.
- Open the application/config/ file with a text editor and set your base URL. If you intend to use encryption or sessions, set your encryption key. If you enable error logging in application/config/ make sure that the application/logs folder is writable.
- Set the file permissions on your application/cache folder such that it is writable.
- If you intend to use a database, open the application/config/ file with a text editor and set your database settings.
If you wish to hide the location of your revIgniter files you can rename the system folder to something more private. If you do rename it, you must open your main file and set the gRigA["systemFolder"] variable at the top of the page to the new name you've chosen.
To increase security even further you can move your system and application folder above web root. Before doing so please read the section Managing Your Application.
That's it!
If you're new to revIgniter, please read the Getting Started section of the User Guide to begin learning how to build dynamic LiveCode server applications. Enjoy!