Download Helper

The Download Helper lets you download data to your desktop.

Loading this Helper

This helper is loaded using the following code:

rigLoadHelper "download"

The following handlers are available:

rigForceDownload "filename", "data"

Generates server headers which force data to be downloaded to your desktop. Useful with file downloads. The first parameter is the name you want the downloaded file to be named, the second parameter is the file data. Example:

put "Here is some text!" into tData
put "mytext.txt" into tName

rigForceDownload tName, tData

If you want to download an existing file from your server you'll need to read the file into a string:

put rigFile_get_contents("/path/to/photo.jpg") into tData -- Read the file's contents
put "myphoto.jpg" into tName

rigForceDownload tName, tData